Powerful 14 minute mini-documentary produced by Jud Burgess/James No Bond about Sept. 11-12: two days in the life and death and life of Barrio Duranguito

A mini-documentary chronicling 2 days in the life/death/life of El Paso’s oldest historical and cultural neighborhood. It is under siege by spineless local city politicians and the tiny fractional minority of wealthy downtown property owners, real estate investors and special interests who fund their political campaigns and hook them up.

Video film, photography concept and production by Jud Burgess

JudBurgess.com / James No Bond

Holding people in power accountable.

3 minutes with Mayor Margo and El Paso City Council. James No Bond talks killing the arena, saving Duranguito, and Judge Meachum’s decision


My 3 minutes today included:

1) defended Duranguito against at least 3 pro-sports arena businessmen who also talked to city leadership. Richard Dayoub, Joe Gudenrath, and some other guy.

2) strongly reminded the City that Judge Meachum has made a legal verdict that prohibits building an arena that allows for large scale sporting events

3) gave much better options for the $200,000,000 once we kill the arena

3 minutes of INTENSITY

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