Why did our property taxes skyrocket? ASK THEM.

Why did our property taxes skyrocket?  ASK THEM.

Watch and share this EXPLOSIVE VIDEO that exposes the conversations between city leaders as they plan to “help” the Central Appraisal District” get higher valuations for our homes so they can get hundreds of millions in additional taxes every year to pay for

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mayor Margo, Cassandra Brown & city leaders jack up our home values and our taxes

This is a quick 2 minute teaser video for one I'm currently producing that will reveal an orchestrated effort by city leaders to once again raise our taxes by raising our property values.

We will soon be #1 in America for highest property taxes in respect to our average annual incomes here in El Paso.

And they don't give a damn.

© Jud Burgess May 9, 2018

New Jud Burgess / James No Bond video : El Paso mayor Dee Margo and city council take us to TAXPAYER HELL

Are you sick of paying America’s 2nd highest property taxes because city leaders can’t stop spending on wasteful vanity projects that only benefit the wealthy and entitled?

I take apart city leaders excuses and expose mayor Dee Margo’s absolute hypocrisy and straight up abuse of El Pasoans as they strap us in for the trip to TAXPAYER HELL.

I got news for you…we’re almost there but it’s not too late to hold them accountable and force them to change their politics and focus to the average El Pasoan who’s feeling the heat.

I also call out the media for not having the guts to seriously report on the issues affecting us in El Paso. Most often their coverage, if any, is toothless, biased and mediocre.

Share this post by copying my text and pasting it into your share. Tell your friends and family what’s going on under their noses. Email the mayor, the city manager and EVERY REP on the list at the end of the video and chew their asses out.

City leaders depend on our ignorance, apathy and inertia to slide their abusive agendas without so much as a word of opposition from us.

This has to stop.

Subscribe to my YouTube channel and visit my blog at James No Bond on Facebook.

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© Jud Burgess
May 3, 2018

Jud Burgess – Trump Lite mayor Dee Margo and lapdog El Paso City Council are cowards. Here's why:

I finally had enough of our City leaders systematic abuse of El Paso citizens on a numbers of fronts to include elder abuse, clear violations of free speech rights and not challenging dangerous hate speech towards El Paso’s LGBTQ community when confronted with it.

I lit them up on Tuesday.

El Paso mayor Dee Margo, city attorney Sylvia Firth, city manager Tommy Gonzalez and virtually all of city council lack the courage and the moral compass to stand up for the elderly, the LGBTQ community and citizens attempting to exercise free speech rights.

For the 3rd City Hall meeting in a row, 89-year old widow Walli Cech is forced to sit for 3 1/2 hours to address council for 3 minutes. This is systematic abuse of the elderly as she has experienced physical pain and mental duress, all of which I capture on video.

Texas Ethics Commission laws may have been violated by mayor Dee Margo, city attorney Sylvia Forth and Mayor Pro-tem Michiel Noe.

© Jud Burgess
April 18, 2018


Jud Burgess – Exposing Free Speech Hypocrisy by Mayor Dee Margo, attorney Sylvia Firth & Michiel Noe

Since Dee Margo’s first days as mayor, he along with several city leaders have been blatantly and egregiously violating the 1st Amendment free speech rights of El Paso citizens attempting to address them and hold them accountable.

Watch and share this 15 minute video that reveals the abhorrent hate speech that the city allows while censoring free speech they disagree with.


Texas Ethics Commission laws may have been violated by mayor Dee Margo, city attorney Sylvia Forth and Mayor Pro-tem Michiel Noe.


© Jud Burgess April 6, 2018