Inside & Out was the brainchild of my client, publisher Don Baumgardt. He wanted to produce a great local flavor magazine with wonderful and unique content. We produced five issues before it became too expensive to produce...it was a choice between quality content or fluff that sells ad space, like “Best Of Doctors, Lawyers, Real Estate Agents” pseudo-editorial sections. It was an idealistic venture that our 3-person team thoroughly enjoyed. (Don Baumgardt-publisher, Pam Murray-editor, Jud Burgess-designer)

Photography Robert Ardovino

Photography by Robert Ardovino.

Art by Jake Muñoz, handlettering by Jud Burgess.

Photography by Robert Ardovino.

Inside & Out was the brainchild of my client, publisher Don Baumgardt. He wanted to produce a great local flavor magazine with wonderful and unique content. We produced five issues before it became too expensive to produce...it was a choice between quality content or fluff that sells ad space, like “Best Of Doctors, Lawyers, Real Estate Agents” pseudo-editorial sections. It was an idealistic venture that our 3-person team thoroughly enjoyed. (Don Baumgardt-publisher, Pam Murray-editor, Jud Burgess-designer)
Photography Robert Ardovino
Photography by Robert Ardovino.
Art by Jake Muñoz, handlettering by Jud Burgess.
Photography by Robert Ardovino.