EPISD Superintendent Cabrera’s new contract gives him an additional 15 days of paid vacation for a total of 35 (7 weeks paid vacation!) AND a one-time “gift” of 20 additional sick leave days for a total of 40 sick days this year.
IF he wanted to, he could turn any unused sick leave days into his vacation days AND then cash in his unused vacation days for his daily rate of salary which was somewhere near $1,342 per day in the 2015-16 year.
That’s right.
Cabrera was making around $1,342 per day before his new raise.
So let’s say Cabrera is so healthy this year that he’s only sick 5 days. He still has 35 days of sick leave that he can use for vacation (no one is going to ask him for a Dr’s slip to prove he was sick).
He can take several vacation days using his sick leave and “save” his 35 unused vacay days for conversion into money that they will reimburse him for IN CASH.
According to how his contract is set up, he can cash in those 35 days.
35 unused days X $1,342 day rate = $46,970 back in his pockets.
A Nice Fat Raise in addition to his other $44,500 raise.
I’m not saying he is doing this. I’m saying he could do this by the way it has been set up if I understand his contract.
I believe this extra pay Cabrera is being “gifted” by the EPISD Board of Trustees is paid for by El Paso taxpayers.
He say’s he has one of the toughest jobs around...tell that to the educators who haven’t received a decent raise in awhile.
By the way, did you know that if EPISD finally gives teachers a 5% pay raise, Cabrera will also receive an identical % increase in his paycheck?
A teacher making $42,000 will get a 5% raise of $2,100 while Superintendent Cabrera will get a 5% raise of $17,500 based off of his $350,000 yearly salary.
How about them rotten apples?