Local billionaire investors get a soccer franchise and MAYOR MARGO says we will PAY NO TAXES to help them???
C’mon man! We know better...
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The big news is MountainStar Sports Group is buying a lower-tier soccer team to add to the ballpark ego trip they stuck El Paso taxpayers with a few years back.
Our billionaire/millionaire investor El Pasoans can pay for it 100%.
They can easily cover the costs from their excess instead of expecting El Paso citizens to pay from our lack.
Mayor Margo says he doesn’t believe El Pasoans will pay any taxes for the stadium or anything associated with it.
Where have I heard this before?
Margo — “I will hold the line on taxes.”
Remember that campaign slogan he repeated 24/7 when he was running for mayor?
Didn't happen. He knew full well it wouldn’t.
And giving these wealthy friends of his tax incentives and other forms of corporate welfare is stealing taxes from El Paso that would otherwise go to paving streets and putting cops on the beat. Taxes that WE will end up paying out of our pockets.
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Margo and his billionaire/millionare Borderplex friends want the following from us:
1) our tax dollars to help subsidize their investments and property holdings in downtown. They ALL own properties in downtown which is why they will not build the “sports arena” or a soccer stadium anywhere else. If it isn't built in downtown, then their investment portfolio doesn’t appreciate.
They want incentives and tax increases to minimize their risk, while we continue to be taxed into OBLIVION.
2) they want to flip that ABC-7 poll that had 37% of El Pasoans undecided on the placement of the “sports arena” in Duranguito so that we can get all excited about D-league soccer in downtown and DEMAND that it be built in Duranguito WITH SPORTS included.
This is about changing public opinion regarding the arena and they are using a soccer franchise and stadium as a mechanism to try and attain that shift in public opinion.
3) they can just as easily and responsibly use the already built ballpark for the games (as they have before and will for the foreseeable future). But they WANT A STADIUM in addition and you can bet your last dollar that they will come DEMANDING that EL Pasoans pony up the bucks as part of the deal.
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This is about big egos and people (inc. Margo) who own properties all along the El Paso / Juarez corridor and will want nothing less than our tax dollars invested in their properties. This is why City leaders have habitually ignored other locations in El Paso just as worthy of attention and investment.
Like Lincoln Park and the Northeast part of town. Don't be fooled by their grandiose plans to build a massive waterpark/surfing/arcade/whatever the hell where Cohen stadium sits idle and neglected.
Has anyone explained just where the tens/hundreds of millions it will cost to accomplish this will come from?! This is not part of the 2012 QOL bonds so we can be sure they will eventually find a way to add to our already stratospheric property taxes.
Make the billionaire/millionaire investors pay their own way.
If they are truly committed El Pasoans, they will without expecting us to sacrifice from our need for their benefit.
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